About Us

Cherry Girl Crafts was founded in 2023, driven by my overwhelming urge to make more things. I relocated from the depths of Washington DC to the outer suburbs of NYC during the COVID-19 pandemic, and decided to go full suburban.

That’s right, I immediately went and picked up (1) a Costco membership, (2) a vendetta against the local fauna that ate my vegetable garden, (3) estate sale FOMO, and (4) enough space that I could try all kinds of fun new crafts.

I like to combine crafts in unexpected ways. I grew up with cross-stitch, and I still design an occasional pattern that brings this 2000+ year-old art form into the internet age.

Wow. Such Stitch.
Wow. Such Stitch.

More often, I like to combine chainmail techniques and crochet to make accessories that have the softness and whimsy of fiber arts with the hard edges of chainmail.

Byzantine Chainmail Sunflower Lariat Necklace
Punk Spikes Wrist Cuff
Chainmail Bee on Dripping Honey Cowl

I want everyone to have as much fun playing with yarn and metal as I do. I hope you feel more confident in your own crafts after spending some time with me, and I know you’ll help me get better!